  • 04 Oct 2024
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Article summary



List Of Activities

Example for calling:

http://server/v1/activities/1 - retrieves all activities for the network with network id = 1

http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1 – retrieves all activities in the network having id = 1

http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&subnetwork_id=2 – retrieves all activities in network having id = 1 and subnet id = 2

http://server/v1/activities?id=1 – retrieves all activities having id = 1

http://server/v1/activities - will produce "400 - Bad Request" as the list of activities could be very large.

http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&subnetwork_id=205&uf_flag21=false&uf_date10=2022-01-04T07:28:00.000&uf_ref4=DG4&current_progress=100.0 – retrieves all activities in network matching all given request fields.

http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&Unsupported=1 - will produce "200 - OK" with an empty result, as the API does not recognise the Unsupported as a request field.
http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&meta_field_select=id - retrieves all activities in project 1 but lists only the network_id and id fields.

Request Body = {….} see request fields below

Allowed Methods:

API Controller: activity


Lists activities for the supplied network_id, sorted by activity id. Though stored in the activities table as sequences, Reference and Outline code user fields are resolved to their actual field values.

Request Fields:

network_idintegerNetwork Id[Optional] Returns all activities if none specified
idintegerActivity Id[Optional] Returns activities with seq = ID.
ownerstringNetworks owner[Optional] Relates to "SafranWebAPIOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" in Application Settings
item_guiguidActivity guid[Optional] Returns activity with given guid
subnetwork_idintegerThe Sub network id the activity belongs within.[Optional] Returns all activities if none specified, requires network_id.
meta_field_excludestringComma separated list of field names to exclude in the response object(s)[Optional] All fields are returned if not specified.
meta_field_selectstringComma separated list of field names to include in response object(s)[Optional] All fields are returned if not specified, else only* the fields listed will be included in the return result.* some fields are mandatory and will be included regardless.
meta_include_resourcesintegerSpecifies whether to include resources assigned to activity in response.[Optional] Will not return resources if not specified
meta_limitintegerA limit on the number of activities to be returned by this call[Optional] Will return all network activities if no limit specified
meta_ending_atintegerActivity Id for selecting activity range prior. Could be used for breaking down retrieval into multiple calls (pagination for example)[Optional]Example: If a project has activity id’s 1 - 1000, and the call is made with meta_ending_at = 500, activities 1-500 would be selected.
meta_starting_afterintegerActivity Id for selecting activity range after. Could be used for breaking down retrieval into multiple calls (pagination for example)[Optional]Example: If a project has activity id’s 1 - 1000, and the call is made with meta_starting_after = 500, activities 501-1000 would be selected.
meta_updated_afterstringDatetime in ISO-8601 format, using UTC time zone[Optional]Find activities which was updated after given time stamp. Example: If a project has activities that are updated every day in April, and the call is made with meta_updated_after = "20220414T140000.001Z". All activities which were modified after that time will be selected.
meta_updated_priorstringDatetime in ISO-8601 format, using UTC time zone[Optional]Find activities which was updated prior given time stamp.
  • When id or item_guid is used, the following will be ignored

    • meta_ending_at
    • meta_starting_after
    • meta_updated_after
    • meta_updated_prior
  • The following will only be considered when network_id is used:

    • meta_ending_at
    • meta_starting_after
    • meta_updated_after
    • meta_updated_prior
  • Items mark in grey are only listed for historical reasons and are not implemented.

  • When specifying subnetwork_id, the network_id must also be specified.

  • Most of the Response Fields can be used as part of the Request Fields. The list of fields below, but not limited too, cannot be used.

    • duration_units
    • duration_format
  • Meta_field_exclude, most of the fields listed in the Response Fields can be excluded, except for:

    • id
    • network_id
  • Meta_field_include, most of the fields listed in the Response Fields can be included and excluding all others, except for the following which will always be included:

    • id
    • network_id
  • In the case both "Meta_field_exclude" and "Meta_field_select" is specified the "Meta_field_exclude" takes priority.

Response Fields:


idintegerUnique activity Id
namestringActivity name
duration_unitsstringUnits for duration field“days” or “hours”
duration_formatstringFormating unit for the duration field"weeks"
"undefined" - meaning database value is null or 0
percent_completefloatPercent complete
remaining_durationintegerRemaining duration
target_start_earlydatetimeTarget start early
target_start_latedatetimeTarget start late
target_complete_earlydatetimeTarget complete early
target_complete_latedatetimeTarget complete late
actual_startdatetimeActual start
actual_finishdatetimeActual finish
early_startdatetimeEarly start
early_finishdatetimeEarly finish
early_start_analyzeddatetimeEarly Start Analysed
late_startdatetimeLate start
late_finishdatetimeLate finish
total_floatintegerTotal float
free_floatintegerFree float
descriptionstringActivity description
subnetwork_idintegerSub-Network Id
network_idintegerNetwork Id
on_targetintegerFlag for automatic linear progress
job_flagintegerFlag for “all job packs defined”
current_progressfloatCurrent progress
frontline_datedatetimeFrontline date against baseline
cancelleddatetimeCancelled date
original_qtyfloatOriginal ( Baseline)quantity
approved_vo_qtyfloatApproved variations quantity
estimated_vo_qtyfloatQuantities for estimated variation
subcontr_vo_qtyfloatQuantities for subcontracted work/variations
internal_vo_qtyfloatQuantities for internal variation orders
jobpack_est_qtyfloatJobpack estimated quantities
expended_qtyfloatActual expended quantities
current_actual_startdatetimeCurrent actual start
current_actual_finishdatetimeCurrent actual finish
current_planned_progressfloatCurrent planned progress
baseline_planned_progressfloatBaseline planned progress
original_early_startdatetimeOriginal early start
original_early_finishdatetimeOriginal early finish
original_late_startdatetimeOriginal late start
original_late_finishdatetimeOriginal late finish
baseline_early_startdatetimeBaseline early start
baseline_early_start_analyzeddatetimeBaseline early start analyzed
baseline_early_finishdatetimeBaseline early finish
baseline_late_startdatetimeBaseline late start
baseline_late_finishdatetimeBaseline late finish
current_early_startdatetimeCurrent early start
current_early_start_actualdatetimeCurrent early start actual
current_early_finishdatetimeCurrent early finish
current_late_startdatetimeCurrent late start
current_late_finishdatetimeCurrent late finish
current_remaining_durationintCurrent remaining duration
original_qty_1floatOriginal ( baseline) quantity1 (summary of qty1 in resources)
baseline_scopefloatBaseline scope (configurable summary)
current_scopefloatCurrent scope (configurable summary)
total_scopefloatTotal scope (configurable summary)
current_frontline_datedatetimeFrontline date against current plan
early_start_scheduleddatetimeEarly start scheduled
early_finish_scheduleddatetimeEarly finish scheduled
early_start_actual_scheduleddatetimeEarly Start Actual Scheduled
total_float_scheduledintegerTotal float scheduled
free_float_scheduledintegerFree float scheduled
hammock_flagintegerHammock flag
analyse_optintegerFuture use
fixed_start_datedatetimeFixed start date
fixed_finish_datedatetimeFixed finish date
manual_prog_flagintegerIs activity manually progress updated? 1=yes, 0=no
current_pcfloatTime percent completed – related to current_progress
remain_duration_analyzedintegerRemaining duration analyzed
current_total_floatintegerCurrent total float
current_free_floatintegerCurrent free float
live_plan_out_of_sequenceintegerLive plan out of sequence flag, computed by live analysis
look_aheadintegerminimum continous duration
look_ahead_unitintegerminimum continous start duration, unit
current_plan_out_of_sequenceintegerCurrent plan out of sequence flag, computed by current analysis
out_of_syncintegerProgress out of sync flag. Is set to 1 for activity during baseline update if volume progress and time progress is not matching for at least one resource
forecast_durationintegerForecast duration
forecast_plan_early_start_actualdatetimeForecast plan early start actual
forecast_early_finishdatetimeForecast early finish
revised_plan_early_start_actualdatetimeRevised plan early start actual
revised_plan_early_startdatetimeRevised plan early start
revised_plan_early_finishdatetimeRevised plan early finish
revised_plan_late_startdatetimeRevised plan late start
revised_plan_late_finishdatetimeRevised plan late finish
rev_frontline_datedatetimeProgress frontline for revised plan
revised_planned_progressfloatRevised planned progress
forecast_qtyfloatForecast quantity
row_nointegerBarchart Editor: row number in outline view
outline_levelintegerBarchart Editor: indent level in outline view
link_summaryintegernot in use
computed_percent_completefloatComputed percent complete
revised_scopefloatRevised scope
earned_value_methodstringEarned value method
earned_value_parameterstringEarned value parameter
minimum_durationintegerMinimum duration, used with activity fit option
activity_existence_flagintegerActivity existence flag
activity_duration_fit_flagintegerActivity duration fit flag
as_late_as_possible_flagintegerAs late as possible constraint flat
uf_text1 : uf_text20stringText user fieldsSee note below
uf_date1 : uf_date4datetimeDate user fieldsSee note below
uf_dec1 : uf_dec20floatDecimal user fieldsSee note below
uf_num1 : uf_num20integerNumber user fieldsSee note below
uf_flag1 : uf_flag40booleanFlag user fieldsSee note below
uf_dur1 : uf_dur10integerDuration user fieldsSee note below
uf_ref1 : uf_ref60referenceReference user fields. One item of object of type reference, see Reference user field tableSee note below
uf_out1 : uf_out20stringOutline code user fields. One item of object of type outline code, see Outline code user field tableSee note below
resourcesresource[]Collection of resource objects belonging to activity. See Resources tableincluded only if meta_include_resources flag is set
ActivityTypeintegerThe activity Type0 = Activity
1 = Hammock
5 = Start Milestone
6 = Finish Milestone
item_guidguidguid of the activity
lastupdatedutcdatetimeDate and time when activity was updatedTime is in Coordinated Universal Time


  • User fields, marked as invisible will not be part of the result set.
  • uf_date
    • In version 5 only 20 are used.
    • Number of fields may vary between versions.
  • uf_dec
    • In version 5 only 10 are used.
    • Number of fields may vary between versions.
  • uf_num
    • Not used in version 7 and later
  • uf_flag
    • In version 5 only 20 are used.
    • Number of fields may vary between versions.
  • uf_dur
    • These are user input fields and will be delivered as inputted by the user.
    • They will not be converted from string database field with magnitude + unit.
    • Number of fields may vary between versions.
  • uf_ref
    • In version 5 only 30 are used.
    • Number of fields may vary between versions.
  • uf_out
    • Number of fields may vary between versions.


Reference user field table

descriptionstringThe Reference fields description
_shortstringThe Reference fields short code

Outline code user field table

descriptionstringThe outline code field description
_shortstringThe outline code field short code


Resources table

idintegerResource unique Id
activity_idintegerId for activity resource is assigned to
resource_def_idintegerResource set Id
durationintegerResource duration
duration_formatstringFormating unit for the duration field"weeks"
"undefined" - meaning database value is null or 0
relative_lagintegerLag (relative to Activity start)
typeintegerResource type
profileintegerResource profile Id
vo_seqinteger(Variation order) Change Order sequence number
changeorder_numberstringChange order number as specified by the user.
changeorder_typestringChange order type:
V = Variation Order
R = Variation Order Request
I = Internal Change
S = Subcontracted
current_progressfloatCurrent progress (Volume)
actual_qtyfloatActual expended quantity
jobpack_est_qtyfloatJobpack estimated quantity
csh_flagintegerFlag for inclusion in Csh, Internal flag: baseline scope (configurable summary)
rsh_flagintegerFlag for inclusion in Rsh, Internal flag: current scope (configurable summary)
tsh_flagintegerFlag for inclusion in Tsh, Internal flag: total scope (configurable summary)
network_idintegerNetwork Id
earned_job_qtyfloatEarned against job (from jobcard system, Safran details, etc)
early_start_datedatetimeEarly start for resource
early_finish_datedatetimeEarly finish for resource
late_start_datedatetimeLate start for resource
late_finish_datedatetimeLate finish for resource
costfloatCost quantity
cost1floatContract cost quantity
cost_ratefloatCost rate for resource
cost_actualfloatActual expended cost quantity
pl_prog_cum_earlyfloatPlanned progress early cumulative
forecast_qtyfloatForecast quantity
forecast_lagfloatForecast lag
forecast_durationfloatForecast duration
ext_seqintegerfor S4MsP compatibility
namestringResource definition name
descrstringResource definition description

Example for resources table:
API Methods Activities Resource table

Sample JSON Response

json result

        "lastupdatedutc": "2022-01-31T15:05:48.95",
        "item_guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "uf_flag21": false,
        "uf_flag22": false,
        "uf_flag23": false,
        "uf_flag24": false,
        "uf_flag25": false,
        "uf_flag26": false,
        "uf_flag27": false,
        "uf_flag28": false,
        "uf_flag29": false,
        "uf_flag30": false,
        "uf_flag31": false,
        "uf_flag32": false,
        "uf_flag33": false,
        "uf_flag34": false,
        "uf_flag35": false,
        "uf_flag36": false,
        "uf_flag37": false,
        "uf_flag38": false,
        "uf_flag39": false,
        "uf_flag40": false,
        "must_start_on_day": 0,
        "uf_text21": "",
        "uf_text22": "28.Apr.2022",
        "uf_text23": "",
        "uf_text24": "",
        "uf_text25": "",
        "uf_text26": "",
        "uf_text27": "",
        "uf_text28": "",
        "uf_text29": "",
        "uf_text30": "",
        "uf_text31": "",
        "uf_text32": "",
        "uf_text33": "",
        "uf_text34": "",
        "uf_text35": "",
        "uf_text36": "",
        "uf_text37": "",
        "uf_text38": "",
        "uf_text39": "",
        "uf_text40": "",
        "uf_dec20": 20.0,
        "ActivityType": 0,
        "id": 8870,
        "name": "1110010508-SA4",
        "duration": 0,
        "duration_units": "days",
        "duration_format": "undefined",
        "calendar": 2,
        "target_start_early": "2021-06-22T00:00:00",
        "target_complete_late": "2021-04-28T00:00:00",
        "early_start": "2021-06-22T00:00:00",
        "early_finish": "2021-06-21T00:00:00",
        "late_start": "2021-04-29T00:00:00",
        "late_finish": "2021-04-28T00:00:00",
        "total_float": 44,
        "free_float": 0,
        "description": "SA4",
        "subnetwork_id": 214,
        "network_id": 100009,
        "on_target": 0,
        "current_progress": 100.0,
        "remarks": "",
        "early_start_analyzed": "2021-06-12T00:00:00",
        "total_float_scheduled": 0,
        "free_float_scheduled": 0,
        "hammock_flag": 0,
        "analyse_opt": 0,
        "manual_prog_flag": 1,
        "remain_duration_analyzed": 0,
        "live_plan_out_of_sequence": 0,
        "current_plan_out_of_sequence": 1,
        "earned_value_method": "",
        "earned_value_parameter": "",
        "minimum_duration": 0,
        "activity_existence_flag": 0,
        "activity_duration_fit_flag": 0,
        "as_late_as_possible_flag": 0,
        "uf_text1": "",
        "uf_text2": "",
        "uf_text3": "",
        "uf_text4": "",
        "uf_text5": "",
        "uf_text6": "",
        "uf_text7": "",
        "uf_text8": "MOD_Manuelt",
        "uf_text9": "",
        "uf_text10": "",
        "uf_text11": "",
        "uf_text12": "",
        "uf_text13": "",
        "uf_text14": "",
        "uf_text15": "",
        "uf_text16": "",
        "uf_text17": "",
        "uf_text18": "",
        "uf_text19": "",
        "uf_text20": "",
        "uf_date7": "2021-06-22T00:00:00",
        "uf_date9": "2020-09-27T00:00:00",
        "uf_date10": "2020-10-22T00:00:00",
        "uf_dec2": 100.0,
        "uf_flag1": true,
        "uf_flag2": false,
        "uf_flag3": false,
        "uf_flag4": false,
        "uf_flag5": false,
        "uf_flag6": false,
        "uf_flag7": false,
        "uf_flag8": false,
        "uf_flag9": false,
        "uf_flag10": false,
        "uf_flag11": false,
        "uf_flag12": false,
        "uf_flag13": false,
        "uf_flag14": false,
        "uf_flag15": false,
        "uf_flag16": false,
        "uf_flag17": false,
        "uf_flag18": false,
        "uf_flag19": false,
        "uf_flag20": false,
        "uf_ref1": {
            "description": "Safran",
            "_short": "SA"
        "uf_ref2": {
            "description": "Stavanger",
            "_short": "SVG"
        "uf_ref4": {
            "description": "Operation phase",
            "_short": "SA4"
        "uf_ref5": {
            "description": "Milestones",
            "_short": "MI"
        "uf_ref6": {
            "description": "Risk zone 1",
            "_short": "Risk1"
        "uf_ref9": {
            "description": "Active",
            "_short": "2"
        "uf_ref11": {
            "description": "Maintenance",
            "_short": "M.1995.20"
        "uf_ref12": {
            "description": "Oslo",
            "_short": "OSL"
        "uf_ref13": {
            "description": "Molde",
            "_short": "MLD"
        "uf_ref14": {
            "description": "East",
            "_short": "EA"
        "uf_ref18": {
            "description": "Customer",
            "_short": "Cust"
        "uf_ref19": {
            "description": "Maintenance Agreement",
            "_short": "MNT"
        "uf_ref21": {
            "description": "Unassigned",
            "_short": "Unassigned"
        "uf_ref23": {
            "description": "Upside",
            "_short": "UP12"
        "uf_ref28": {
            "description": "ASA4",
            "_short": "42"
        "uf_out1": {
            "description": "Remote 2",
            "_short": "Code1§Related2"
        "uf_out2": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out3": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out4": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out5": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out6": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out7": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out8": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out9": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out10": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out11": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out12": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out13": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out14": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out15": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out16": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out17": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out18": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out19": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out20": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out21": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out22": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out23": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out24": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out25": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out26": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out27": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out28": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out29": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "uf_out30": {
            "description": "",
            "_short": ""
        "resources": []

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