Activity Links
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Activity Links

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Article summary


List Of Relationships for Activities

Example for calling:

http://server/v1/activity_links - retrieves all activity_links

http://server/v1/activity_links?network_id=1 – retrieves activity_links for activities in network having id = 1

Allowed Methods:


API Controller: activity_link


  1. Lists all activity links for the supplied network_id.
  2. Activity links referring to non-existing activities will not be included in the result set from the API.
  3. Activity links referring to non-existing calendars will have no calendar in the result set from the API. Activity link will be listed but without calendar.


network_idintegerNetwork IdReturns constraints related to given network id.If "SafranWebAPIOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" in Application Settings is in use, this is mandatory
ownerstringNetworks owner[Optional] Relates to "SafranWebAPIOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" in Application Settings

Response Fields:

prev_idintegerId for preceding activity
next_idintegerId for succeeding activity
network_idintegerNetwork Id
link_typeintegerLink type (possible values: FS, SF, FF, SS)SS = 1
SF = 2
FS = 3
FF = 4
lag_timeintegerLag time on activity link
calendarintegerActivity link calendar
duration_formatstringFormating unit for the lag_time field"weeks"
"undefined" - meaning database value is null or 0
disabledbooleanA field both in the Predecessors and Successors area of Logic Navigator and Links Panels, which allows to disable Links so they do not have an effect in the Activities linkedDefault value is False

Show JSON Response

json result

    "prev_id": 1,
    "next_id": 10,
    "network_id": 1,
    "link_type": 3,
    "prev_name": "00010",
    "next_name": "CSNew001"
    "prev_id": 10,
    "next_id": 12,
    "network_id": 1,
    "link_type": 4,
    "prev_name": "CSNew001",
    "next_name": "CSNew002"
    "prev_id": 12,
    "next_id": 14,
    "network_id": 1,
    "link_type": 1,
    "prev_name": "CSNew002",
    "next_name": "CSNew004"
    "prev_id": 15,
    "next_id": 14,
    "network_id": 1,
    "link_type": 4,
    "lag_time": 3,
    "calendar": 1,
    "prev_name": "CSNew005",
    "next_name": "CSNew004",
    "duration_format": "days"

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