Create new OutlineCodes
  • 18 Jul 2024
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Create new OutlineCodes

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Article summary

Create new OutlineCodes


Maintain Resources

Safran Project ILAP Gateway

This API is only available in the Safran Project ILAP Gateway product.

Example for calling:

Request Body = {...} see request fields below

Allowed Methods:

API Controller: OutlineCodes

### Description
Outline Codes can only be created.

Request Fields:

Config_idintegerCodeset IDRefers to the Code Configuration
field_nrintegerField number identifies userfield (ex: 1 og 30)
labelnvarchar (40)Field label identified name of userfield
oc_levelsintegerMaximum outline levels in structure
generate_level_labelsintegerLevel labels in select_stmt (names for each level in structure) Optional
generate_level_masksintegerLevel masks in valid_stmt (chart type, field lenght, divider char, etc.)
outline_values tabletableTable with outline codes

outline_values table

RowIDintegerSequential order of codes. Need to go from top level downawrds.
parent_pathnvarchar ()Specify full path of parent, rather then using internal sequences
_shortnvarchar (100)Outline code short description
descriptionnvarchar (255)Outline code description

Response Fields:

field_nrintegerField number identifies userfield (ex: 1 of 30)
ResultbyteS(uccess) or F(ail) indicating if the requested action was successfully executed
MessagestringEmpty if success; error message if the requested action failed.
MessageIdintegerMessageId: Identifies error message
outline_codes tabletableTable with outline codes

outline_code table

RowIDintegerSequential order of codes. Need to go from top level down order
ResultbyteS(uccess) or F(ail) indicating if the requested action was successfully executed
MessagestringEmpty if success; error message if the requested action failed.
MessageIDintegerIdentifies error message

Sample JSON Request
        "Config_id": 1,
        "field_nr": 1,
        "label": "Outline1",
        "oc_levels": 3,
        "generate_level_labels": 0,
        "generate_level_masks": 0,
        "outline_values": [
                "RowID": 1,
                "parent_path": "",
                "_short": "Code1",
                "description": "Outline Description 1"
                "RowID": 2,
                "parent_path": "Code1",
                "_short": "Code2",
                "description": "Outline Description 2"
                "RowID": 3,
                "parent_path": "Code2",
                "_short": "Code3",
                "description": "Outline Description 3"
        "Config_id": 1,
        "field_nr": 2,
        "label": "Outline2",
        "oc_levels": 1,
        "generate_level_labels": 0,
        "generate_level_masks": 0,
        "outline_values": [
                "RowID": 4,
                "parent_path": "",
                "_short": "Code1",
                "description": "Outline Description 1"

Sample JSON Response
        "field_nr": 1,
        "RowId": 0,
        "Result": "S",
        "Message": ""
        "field_nr": 2,
        "RowId": 0,
        "Result": "S",
        "Message": ""

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