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Safran API 8.1. and later versions
Since version 8.1.00 a licensing system has been added. In order to activate this a new settings needs to be added to the Configuration File file.
The Safran Project ILAP Gateway API is not affected by the licensing system.
Section of the configuration file
"license": {
"safranintegrationapi": "",
"safrandatareportingapi": "",
"filelocation": ""
The individual license is retrieved from Safran Support.
The file location, will be used by the licensing system to store an offline file. Make sure that the API has read and write access to that directory.
Directory access
An offline license file will automatically be created when a valid license has been identified.
- Make sure that your configuration file contains a valid directory for the "filelocation" setting.
- Make sure that the API ("IIS_IUSRS" or "USERS" groups) have read and write access to that directory.
- The specified file location needs to have double "\" as in c:\\API\\SafranLicense
Safran License access
The API needs to validate the license towards the Safran License server.
- Make sure that your API installation can access the following ULR and Port:
- api.licensing.safran.com port 443
Safran Web 7.3 and earlier versions
A license system is present within the API, similar to what is found for Safran Project and Safran Planner. To identify which license controls the API, a new entry needs to be present in the Web.Config file.
<!-- Tell API which system this is intended for, "Safran Project" or "Safran Planner" -->
<add key="SafranApplicationName" value="Safran Project"/>