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List Of Activities
Example for calling:
http://server/v1/activities/1 - retrieves all activities for the network with network id = 1
http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1 – retrieves all activities in the network having id = 1
http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&subnetwork_id=2 – retrieves all activities in network having id = 1 and subnet id = 2
http://server/v1/activities?id=1 – retrieves all activities having id = 1
http://server/v1/activities - will produce "400 - Bad Request" as the list of activities could be very large.
http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&subnetwork_id=205&uf_flag21=false&uf_date10=2022-01-04T07:28:00.000&uf_ref4=DG4¤t_progress=100.0 – retrieves all activities in network matching all given request fields.
http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&Unsupported=1 - will produce "200 - OK" with an empty result, as the API does not recognise the Unsupported as a request field.
http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&meta_field_select=id - retrieves all activities in project 1 but lists only the network_id and id fields.
Request Body = {….} see request fields below
Allowed Methods:
API Controller: activity
Lists activities for the supplied network_id, sorted by activity id. Though stored in the activities table as sequences, Reference and Outline code user fields are resolved to their actual field values.
Request Fields:
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
network_id | integer | Network Id | [Optional] Returns all activities if none specified |
id | integer | Activity Id | [Optional] Returns activities with seq = ID. |
owner | string | Networks owner | [Optional] Relates to "SafranWebAPIOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" in Application Settings |
item_gui | guid | Activity guid | [Optional] Returns activity with given guid |
subnetwork_id | integer | The Sub network id the activity belongs within. | [Optional] Returns all activities if none specified, requires network_id. |
meta_field_exclude | string | Comma separated list of field names to exclude in the response object(s) | [Optional] All fields are returned if not specified. |
meta_field_select | string | Comma separated list of field names to include in response object(s) | [Optional] All fields are returned if not specified, else only* the fields listed will be included in the return result.* some fields are mandatory and will be included regardless. |
meta_include_resources | integer | Specifies whether to include resources assigned to activity in response. | [Optional] Will not return resources if not specified |
meta_limit | integer | A limit on the number of activities to be returned by this call | [Optional] Will return all network activities if no limit specified |
meta_ending_at | integer | Activity Id for selecting activity range prior. Could be used for breaking down retrieval into multiple calls (pagination for example) | [Optional]Example: If a project has activity id’s 1 - 1000, and the call is made with meta_ending_at = 500, activities 1-500 would be selected. |
meta_starting_after | integer | Activity Id for selecting activity range after. Could be used for breaking down retrieval into multiple calls (pagination for example) | [Optional]Example: If a project has activity id’s 1 - 1000, and the call is made with meta_starting_after = 500, activities 501-1000 would be selected. |
meta_updated_after | string | Datetime in ISO-8601 format, using UTC time zone | [Optional]Find activities which was updated after given time stamp. Example: If a project has activities that are updated every day in April, and the call is made with meta_updated_after = "20220414T140000.001Z". All activities which were modified after that time will be selected. |
meta_updated_prior | string | Datetime in ISO-8601 format, using UTC time zone | [Optional]Find activities which was updated prior given time stamp. |
When id or item_guid is used, the following will be ignored
- meta_ending_at
- meta_starting_after
- meta_updated_after
- meta_updated_prior
The following will only be considered when network_id is used:
- meta_ending_at
- meta_starting_after
- meta_updated_after
- meta_updated_prior
Items mark in grey are only listed for historical reasons and are not implemented.
When specifying subnetwork_id, the network_id must also be specified.
Most of the Response Fields can be used as part of the Request Fields. The list of fields below, but not limited too, cannot be used.
- duration_units
- duration_format
Meta_field_exclude, most of the fields listed in the Response Fields can be excluded, except for:
- id
- network_id
Meta_field_include, most of the fields listed in the Response Fields can be included and excluding all others, except for the following which will always be included:
- id
- network_id
In the case both "Meta_field_exclude" and "Meta_field_select" is specified the "Meta_field_exclude" takes priority.
Response Fields:
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | integer | Unique activity Id | |
name | string | Activity name | |
duration | integer | Duration | |
duration_units | string | Units for duration field | “days” or “hours” |
duration_format | string | Formating unit for the duration field | "weeks" "days" "hours" "minutes" "undefined" - meaning database value is null or 0 |
percent_complete | float | Percent complete | |
remaining_duration | integer | Remaining duration | |
calendar | integer | Calendar | |
target_start_early | datetime | Target start early | |
target_start_late | datetime | Target start late | |
target_complete_early | datetime | Target complete early | |
target_complete_late | datetime | Target complete late | |
actual_start | datetime | Actual start | |
actual_finish | datetime | Actual finish | |
early_start | datetime | Early start | |
early_finish | datetime | Early finish | |
early_start_analyzed | datetime | Early Start Analysed | |
late_start | datetime | Late start | |
late_finish | datetime | Late finish | |
total_float | integer | Total float | |
free_float | integer | Free float | |
description | string | Activity description | |
subnetwork_id | integer | Sub-Network Id | |
network_id | integer | Network Id | |
on_target | integer | Flag for automatic linear progress | |
job_flag | integer | Flag for “all job packs defined” | |
current_progress | float | Current progress | |
frontline_date | datetime | Frontline date against baseline | |
cancelled | datetime | Cancelled date | |
remarks | string | Remarks | |
original_qty | float | Original (1.st Baseline)quantity | |
approved_vo_qty | float | Approved variations quantity | |
estimated_vo_qty | float | Quantities for estimated variation | |
subcontr_vo_qty | float | Quantities for subcontracted work/variations | |
internal_vo_qty | float | Quantities for internal variation orders | |
jobpack_est_qty | float | Jobpack estimated quantities | |
expended_qty | float | Actual expended quantities | |
current_actual_start | datetime | Current actual start | |
current_actual_finish | datetime | Current actual finish | |
current_planned_progress | float | Current planned progress | |
baseline_planned_progress | float | Baseline planned progress | |
original_early_start | datetime | Original early start | |
original_early_finish | datetime | Original early finish | |
original_late_start | datetime | Original late start | |
original_late_finish | datetime | Original late finish | |
baseline_early_start | datetime | Baseline early start | |
baseline_early_start_analyzed | datetime | Baseline early start analyzed | |
baseline_early_finish | datetime | Baseline early finish | |
baseline_late_start | datetime | Baseline late start | |
baseline_late_finish | datetime | Baseline late finish | |
current_early_start | datetime | Current early start | |
current_early_start_actual | datetime | Current early start actual | |
current_early_finish | datetime | Current early finish | |
current_late_start | datetime | Current late start | |
current_late_finish | datetime | Current late finish | |
current_remaining_duration | int | Current remaining duration | |
original_qty_1 | float | Original (1.st baseline) quantity1 (summary of qty1 in resources) | |
baseline_scope | float | Baseline scope (configurable summary) | |
current_scope | float | Current scope (configurable summary) | |
total_scope | float | Total scope (configurable summary) | |
current_frontline_date | datetime | Frontline date against current plan | |
early_start_scheduled | datetime | Early start scheduled | |
early_finish_scheduled | datetime | Early finish scheduled | |
early_start_actual_scheduled | datetime | Early Start Actual Scheduled | |
total_float_scheduled | integer | Total float scheduled | |
free_float_scheduled | integer | Free float scheduled | |
hammock_flag | integer | Hammock flag | |
analyse_opt | integer | Future use | |
fixed_start_date | datetime | Fixed start date | |
fixed_finish_date | datetime | Fixed finish date | |
manual_prog_flag | integer | Is activity manually progress updated? 1=yes, 0=no | |
current_pc | float | Time percent completed – related to current_progress | |
remain_duration_analyzed | integer | Remaining duration analyzed | |
current_total_float | integer | Current total float | |
current_free_float | integer | Current free float | |
live_plan_out_of_sequence | integer | Live plan out of sequence flag, computed by live analysis | |
look_ahead | integer | minimum continous duration | |
look_ahead_unit | integer | minimum continous start duration, unit | |
current_plan_out_of_sequence | integer | Current plan out of sequence flag, computed by current analysis | |
out_of_sync | integer | Progress out of sync flag. Is set to 1 for activity during baseline update if volume progress and time progress is not matching for at least one resource | |
forecast_duration | integer | Forecast duration | |
forecast_plan_early_start_actual | datetime | Forecast plan early start actual | |
forecast_early_finish | datetime | Forecast early finish | |
revised_plan_early_start_actual | datetime | Revised plan early start actual | |
revised_plan_early_start | datetime | Revised plan early start | |
revised_plan_early_finish | datetime | Revised plan early finish | |
revised_plan_late_start | datetime | Revised plan late start | |
revised_plan_late_finish | datetime | Revised plan late finish | |
rev_frontline_date | datetime | Progress frontline for revised plan | |
revised_planned_progress | float | Revised planned progress | |
forecast_qty | float | Forecast quantity | |
row_no | integer | Barchart Editor: row number in outline view | |
outline_level | integer | Barchart Editor: indent level in outline view | |
link_summary | integer | not in use | |
computed_percent_complete | float | Computed percent complete | |
revised_scope | float | Revised scope | |
earned_value_method | string | Earned value method | |
earned_value_parameter | string | Earned value parameter | |
minimum_duration | integer | Minimum duration, used with activity fit option | |
activity_existence_flag | integer | Activity existence flag | |
activity_duration_fit_flag | integer | Activity duration fit flag | |
as_late_as_possible_flag | integer | As late as possible constraint flat | |
uf_text1 : uf_text20 | string | Text user fields | See note below |
uf_date1 : uf_date4 | datetime | Date user fields | See note below |
uf_dec1 : uf_dec20 | float | Decimal user fields | See note below |
uf_num1 : uf_num20 | integer | Number user fields | See note below |
uf_flag1 : uf_flag40 | boolean | Flag user fields | See note below |
uf_dur1 : uf_dur10 | integer | Duration user fields | See note below |
uf_ref1 : uf_ref60 | reference | Reference user fields. One item of object of type reference, see Reference user field table | See note below |
uf_out1 : uf_out20 | string | Outline code user fields. One item of object of type outline code, see Outline code user field table | See note below |
resources | resource[] | Collection of resource objects belonging to activity. See Resources table | included only if meta_include_resources flag is set |
ActivityType | integer | The activity Type | 0 = Activity 1 = Hammock 5 = Start Milestone 6 = Finish Milestone |
item_guid | guid | guid of the activity | |
lastupdatedutc | datetime | Date and time when activity was updated | Time is in Coordinated Universal Time |
- User fields, marked as invisible will not be part of the result set.
- uf_date
- In version 5 only 20 are used.
- Number of fields may vary between versions.
- uf_dec
- In version 5 only 10 are used.
- Number of fields may vary between versions.
- uf_num
- Not used in version 7 and later
- uf_flag
- In version 5 only 20 are used.
- Number of fields may vary between versions.
- uf_dur
- These are user input fields and will be delivered as inputted by the user.
- They will not be converted from string database field with magnitude + unit.
- Number of fields may vary between versions.
- uf_ref
- In version 5 only 30 are used.
- Number of fields may vary between versions.
- uf_out
- Number of fields may vary between versions.
- Number of fields may vary between versions.
Reference user field table
Name | Type | Description | Note |
description | string | The Reference fields description | |
_short | string | The Reference fields short code |
Outline code user field table
Name | Type | Description | Note |
description | string | The outline code field description | |
_short | string | The outline code field short code | |
Resources table
Name | Type | Description | Note |
id | integer | Resource unique Id | |
activity_id | integer | Id for activity resource is assigned to | |
resource_def_id | integer | Resource set Id | |
qty | float | Quantity | |
duration | integer | Resource duration | |
duration_format | string | Formating unit for the duration field | "weeks" "days" "hours" "minutes" "undefined" - meaning database value is null or 0 |
relative_lag | integer | Lag (relative to Activity start) | |
type | integer | Resource type | |
profile | integer | Resource profile Id | |
vo_seq | integer | (Variation order) Change Order sequence number | |
changeorder_number | string | Change order number as specified by the user. | |
changeorder_type | string | Change order type: V = Variation Order R = Variation Order Request I = Internal Change S = Subcontracted | |
current_progress | float | Current progress (Volume) | |
actual_qty | float | Actual expended quantity | |
jobpack_est_qty | float | Jobpack estimated quantity | |
calendar | integer | Calendar | |
qty1 | float | Quantity | |
csh_flag | integer | Flag for inclusion in Csh, Internal flag: baseline scope (configurable summary) | |
rsh_flag | integer | Flag for inclusion in Rsh, Internal flag: current scope (configurable summary) | |
tsh_flag | integer | Flag for inclusion in Tsh, Internal flag: total scope (configurable summary) | |
network_id | integer | Network Id | |
earned_job_qty | float | Earned against job (from jobcard system, Safran details, etc) | |
early_start_date | datetime | Early start for resource | |
early_finish_date | datetime | Early finish for resource | |
late_start_date | datetime | Late start for resource | |
late_finish_date | datetime | Late finish for resource | |
cost | float | Cost quantity | |
cost1 | float | Contract cost quantity | |
cost_rate | float | Cost rate for resource | |
cost_actual | float | Actual expended cost quantity | |
pl_prog_cum_early | float | Planned progress early cumulative | |
forecast_qty | float | Forecast quantity | |
forecast_lag | float | Forecast lag | |
forecast_duration | float | Forecast duration | |
ext_seq | integer | for S4MsP compatibility | |
name | string | Resource definition name | |
descr | string | Resource definition description |
Example for resources table:
Sample JSON Response
json result
"lastupdatedutc": "2022-01-31T15:05:48.95",
"item_guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"uf_flag21": false,
"uf_flag22": false,
"uf_flag23": false,
"uf_flag24": false,
"uf_flag25": false,
"uf_flag26": false,
"uf_flag27": false,
"uf_flag28": false,
"uf_flag29": false,
"uf_flag30": false,
"uf_flag31": false,
"uf_flag32": false,
"uf_flag33": false,
"uf_flag34": false,
"uf_flag35": false,
"uf_flag36": false,
"uf_flag37": false,
"uf_flag38": false,
"uf_flag39": false,
"uf_flag40": false,
"must_start_on_day": 0,
"uf_text21": "",
"uf_text22": "28.Apr.2022",
"uf_text23": "",
"uf_text24": "",
"uf_text25": "",
"uf_text26": "",
"uf_text27": "",
"uf_text28": "",
"uf_text29": "",
"uf_text30": "",
"uf_text31": "",
"uf_text32": "",
"uf_text33": "",
"uf_text34": "",
"uf_text35": "",
"uf_text36": "",
"uf_text37": "",
"uf_text38": "",
"uf_text39": "",
"uf_text40": "",
"uf_dec20": 20.0,
"ActivityType": 0,
"id": 8870,
"name": "1110010508-SA4",
"duration": 0,
"duration_units": "days",
"duration_format": "undefined",
"calendar": 2,
"target_start_early": "2021-06-22T00:00:00",
"target_complete_late": "2021-04-28T00:00:00",
"early_start": "2021-06-22T00:00:00",
"early_finish": "2021-06-21T00:00:00",
"late_start": "2021-04-29T00:00:00",
"late_finish": "2021-04-28T00:00:00",
"total_float": 44,
"free_float": 0,
"description": "SA4",
"subnetwork_id": 214,
"network_id": 100009,
"on_target": 0,
"current_progress": 100.0,
"remarks": "",
"early_start_analyzed": "2021-06-12T00:00:00",
"total_float_scheduled": 0,
"free_float_scheduled": 0,
"hammock_flag": 0,
"analyse_opt": 0,
"manual_prog_flag": 1,
"remain_duration_analyzed": 0,
"live_plan_out_of_sequence": 0,
"current_plan_out_of_sequence": 1,
"earned_value_method": "",
"earned_value_parameter": "",
"minimum_duration": 0,
"activity_existence_flag": 0,
"activity_duration_fit_flag": 0,
"as_late_as_possible_flag": 0,
"uf_text1": "",
"uf_text2": "",
"uf_text3": "",
"uf_text4": "",
"uf_text5": "",
"uf_text6": "",
"uf_text7": "",
"uf_text8": "MOD_Manuelt",
"uf_text9": "",
"uf_text10": "",
"uf_text11": "",
"uf_text12": "",
"uf_text13": "",
"uf_text14": "",
"uf_text15": "",
"uf_text16": "",
"uf_text17": "",
"uf_text18": "",
"uf_text19": "",
"uf_text20": "",
"uf_date7": "2021-06-22T00:00:00",
"uf_date9": "2020-09-27T00:00:00",
"uf_date10": "2020-10-22T00:00:00",
"uf_dec2": 100.0,
"uf_flag1": true,
"uf_flag2": false,
"uf_flag3": false,
"uf_flag4": false,
"uf_flag5": false,
"uf_flag6": false,
"uf_flag7": false,
"uf_flag8": false,
"uf_flag9": false,
"uf_flag10": false,
"uf_flag11": false,
"uf_flag12": false,
"uf_flag13": false,
"uf_flag14": false,
"uf_flag15": false,
"uf_flag16": false,
"uf_flag17": false,
"uf_flag18": false,
"uf_flag19": false,
"uf_flag20": false,
"uf_ref1": {
"description": "Safran",
"_short": "SA"
"uf_ref2": {
"description": "Stavanger",
"_short": "SVG"
"uf_ref4": {
"description": "Operation phase",
"_short": "SA4"
"uf_ref5": {
"description": "Milestones",
"_short": "MI"
"uf_ref6": {
"description": "Risk zone 1",
"_short": "Risk1"
"uf_ref9": {
"description": "Active",
"_short": "2"
"uf_ref11": {
"description": "Maintenance",
"_short": "M.1995.20"
"uf_ref12": {
"description": "Oslo",
"_short": "OSL"
"uf_ref13": {
"description": "Molde",
"_short": "MLD"
"uf_ref14": {
"description": "East",
"_short": "EA"
"uf_ref18": {
"description": "Customer",
"_short": "Cust"
"uf_ref19": {
"description": "Maintenance Agreement",
"_short": "MNT"
"uf_ref21": {
"description": "Unassigned",
"_short": "Unassigned"
"uf_ref23": {
"description": "Upside",
"_short": "UP12"
"uf_ref28": {
"description": "ASA4",
"_short": "42"
"uf_out1": {
"description": "Remote 2",
"_short": "Code1§Related2"
"uf_out2": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out3": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out4": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out5": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out6": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out7": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out8": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out9": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out10": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out11": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out12": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out13": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out14": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out15": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out16": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out17": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out18": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out19": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out20": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out21": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out22": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out23": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out24": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out25": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out26": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out27": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out28": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out29": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"uf_out30": {
"description": "",
"_short": ""
"resources": []