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Create or Delete Activity Relationships
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Create or Delete Activity Relationships
Maintain (create/delete) Relationships for Activities
Example for calling:
Request Body = {...} see Request Fields below
Allowed Methods:**
API Controller: activity_link
Create/delete relationship is done in one single Web Service call with an indicator to specify Create or Update or Delete.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
owner | string | Networks owner | Optional Relates to "SafranWebApiOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" in Application Settings |
Request Fields:
In addition to a few extra fields, the fields list are similar to "request fields" in activity_links.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RowID | integer | Sequential number used in the communication with the API,which identifies a row in this request that lines up with the response. | |
RowAction | string | Intruction for the API of which action to perform | C = Create D = Delete |
prev_id | integer | Id for preceding activity | |
next_id | integer | Id for succeeding activity | |
network_id | integer | Network ID | |
link_type | integer | Constraint link type (possible values: FS, SF, FF, SS) | 1 = SS 2 = SF 3 = FS 4 = FF |
lag_time | integer | Lag time on the constraint activity link (unit of measure depends on calendar - could be days or hours for example) | Optional |
calendar | integer | Activity Link Calendar ID | Optional |
duration_format | string | Formatting unit for the lag_time field | Optional "weeks" "days" "hours" "minutes" "percent" "undefined" - meaning the database value is null or 0 |
disabled | boolean | A field both in the Predecessors and Successors area of Logic Navigator and Links Panels, which allows to disable Links so they do not have an effect in the Activities linked | Default value False |
Response Fields:
Table with responce for the constraints request:
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
RowID | integer | Corresponds to the RowID in the request. | |
Result | string | S(uccess) or F(ailure) indicating if the request action was successfully executed. | |
Message | string | Empty if success; error message if the requested action failed. | |
MessageId | integer | MesageID: Identified error message |
Sample Create Activity Links and Response
Show Call sample
"RowId": 1,
"RowAction": "C",
"prev_id": 14,
"next_id": 15,
"network_id": 1,
"link_type": 3,
"lag_time": 3,
"calendar": 1,
"duration_format": "percent"
"RowId": 2,
"RowAction": "C",
"prev_id": 12,
"next_id": 15,
"network_id": 1,
"link_type": 3
Show Response sample
"RowId": 1,
"Result": "F",
"Message": "Error Creating Activity Link: Activity Link already exists."
"RowId": 2,
"Result": "S"
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