Create Project
  • 17 Jul 2024
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Create Project

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Article summary

Create Project


Create of a new project.

Safran Project ILAP Gateway

This API endpoint is only available in the Safran Project ILAP Gateway product.

Example for calling:

http://server/v1/projects - Retrieves project having project_id = 1
Request Body {...} see the Request Fields below.

Allowed Methods:

API Controller: project


Create of project is done in one single call.

Request Fields

create_projectscreate_project[]Collection of project to be createdHead element not specified - see expample.

create project

RowIDintegerIdentifying a row in this request that lines up with the response.
ProjectActionstringSpecification of action to be performed, valid characters 'c', 'u' and 'd'c = Create
u = Update
d = Delete

Only create is supported.
UpdateIfExistsbooleanIf action is create and project already is present, setting this to true will invoke update action instead.
LowestDurationUnitsstringLowest duration unit for the project, valid characters 'd', 'h' and 'm'd = Days, h = hours, m = minutes.
Project Fieldssee Projects FieldsThis is a list of the same fields found in the response fields when retrieving project details.
  • Should 'LowestDurationUnits' be null or missing, value from provided cal_id will be used.
  • Should 'cal_id' be null or missing, value from the 'install_config' table will be used.
  • Other fields missing value will also be populated by the API, such as among others:
    • codeset
    • cut_off_dow (preferred combination with 'LowestDurationUnits' and  'cal_id')
    • profileset
    • resource_set
    • When this value is specified in the input JSON a check is performed validating that the Resource Set is valid and present in database.
    • When the "SafranWebAPIOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" is in use, additional check is performed making sure the project and resource set owners are the same.
    • symbol_set
    • gsid
    • rate_set
    • ana_tnow
    • network_name
    • description
    • project_start
    • project_end
    • stretch
    • longest_path
    • float_opt
    • dependencies
    • progress
    • rate_type
    • disabled_split_targets
    • os_scope
    • sch_overload_opt

Response Fields:

Project_IdintegerIdentificator of the project
Network_idintegerIdentificator of the network
RowIDintegerLines up with the RowID in create_project[] in the Request fields
ResultstringIndicate the success or failure of the actionS = Success, F = Failure

Show Call Sample

Call Sample

    "project_name":"Engine Maintenance",
    "project_title":"Annual Engine Maintenance Project",

Show Response Sample

json result

    "Project_Id": 16,
    "Network_Id": 15,
    "RowId": 1,
    "Result": "S"

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