Get UserFieldSet simple
  • 18 Jul 2024
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Get UserFieldSet simple

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Article summary

Get UserFieldSet simple


UserFieldSet in simple format.

Safran Project ILAP Gateway

This API is only available in the Safran Project ILAP Gateway product.

Example for calling:

http://server/v1/userfieldsets - Gets all user field sets
http://server/v1/userfieldsets?id=6 - Gets user field set with ID 6
http://server/v1/userfieldsets?id=6&owner=SAFRANSA - Gets user fields set with ID 6 and owned by SAFRANSA
http://server/v1/userfieldsets?owner=SAFRANSA - Gets all user fields sets owner by SAFRANSA

Allowed Methods:

API Controller: CodeSet


Retrieves the configuration detail for specified user field sets if no Id or owner is specified.


idintegerCodeset ID
ownerstringOwner of the code setRelates to "SafranWebApiOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" in "Application Settings"
  • When "SafranWebApiOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" is in use, the CodeSet retrieved can only be linked to projects owned by the same owner as the CodeSet. Should the CodeSet be linked to other projects, owned by others, the API will return failure. Unless meta_field_select=0.

Response Fields:

idintegerThe unique code set Id
namestringThe code set name
ownerstringThe owner of the code set (Username)
fieldsfields[]Collection of defined field objects


namestringThe name of the fieldThe format of the name: "uf_" + <field type> + <field number>
labelstringField label
visiblebooleanField visibleTell if field is visible (true), values true or false
enabledbooleanField enabledTell if field is enabled (true), values true or false
inherit_labelbooleanField label inheritTell if (true) the label is inherited from the master set and it will be shown in Safran UI. Else (false) the label of this field will shown.
The default value is false

Sample JSON Response
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Safran Software Solutions - 1",
    "owner": "SAFRANSA",
    "fields": [
        "name": "uf_date1",
        "label": "Date 1",
        "inherit_label": false,
        "visible": true,
        "enabled": true
        "name": "uf_date2",
        "label": "Date 2",
        "inherit_label": false,
        "visible": true,
        "enabled": true
        "name": "uf_ref1",
        "label": "Reference field 1",
        "inherit_label": false,
        "visible": true,
        "enabled": true

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