Project Control
  • 19 Feb 2024
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Project Control

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Project Control

Project Schedule Options

Safran Project allows you to modify the default schedule options. In most cases, the default configuration should be sufficient. If this is not the case, it is easy to reconfigure the schedule. Typical examples might be the need to select the logic used to calculate the schedule or controlling calculations involving out-of-sequence activities. Initially, you may have set the time Analysis options during project definition, although you most likely accepted the Safran Project default settings.

For more info, see Schedule Options.

To Modify the Analysis Options

Locate and Click on the small arrow to the lower right in the PROJECT/Schedule ribbon.


This opens the Schedule Options panel and allows you to view/modify any properties that control the time analysis process.

This can be done at any time before calculating the project schedule.


Below is an overview of the Schedule Options:

Duration StretchSpecify whether the analysis process may stretch an activity duration. The default is No Stretch.
Backward PassInfluences the late dates of the project. The default is No Longest Path.
FloatSpecify how to calculate total float on activities. The default is Minimum.
Start to Start Lag Calc.Specify the starting point/date for Start to Start Lag, either Implied Start, Early Start, or Actual Start. The default is Implied Start.
ProgressSpecify whether the incomplete part of an activity may be split from the complete part. The default is Use Logic From Predecessors.
Progress out of sequenceSpecifies whether the incomplete part of an activity can be completed after the last predecessor or after all predecessors.
Resource LevelingSelect the type and value for optimizing the use of available resources.
TimenowEnter the 'Timenow' date for the time analysis.
Include Split TargetsThis option allows you to run a CPM project time analysis using either the split target information or disregard the split target constraint. (See Appendix A - Constraints for details about Split target).
Save Calculated dates to database.Mark this check box to save calculated results to the database. The default is On.

For a more comprehensive discussion of the Schedule Option, please refer to Schedule Options.

Multi Float Paths

Safran Project allows you to calculate multiple float paths.

Locate and Click on the small arrow to the lower right in the PROJECT/Schedule ribbon.


This opens the Schedule Options panel. Click on the tab 'Multi Float Paths:


Choose your settings and tick 'Calculate multiple float paths.' If it is the first time you run this, we recommend ticking 'Open 'Multi Float Paths' layout after OK/Apply.'

Press 'Ok' or 'Apply' and notice that you have x new paths, and a new 'Multi Float Path' layout has also appeared. This layout may be modified and saved according to your preferences.



The feature to run multiple float paths was new in version 22.1.00. We expect minor adjustments to the calculations as users start using the feature on complex projects. If you notice something you disagree with, feel free to contact our support team, and we will consider making adjustments.

Project Summary

A Project Summary report provides various statistics regarding activities, constraints, resources, logic, targets, and progress.

The report also presents information regarding out-of-sequence updates and loops, in addition to various schedule summaries if resource scheduling has been invoked.


Loop Check

A project may not be scheduled if the start of an activity is constrained by the start or finish of another activity occurring later in a chain. This is called a loop. The activity and constraints forming the loop will be displayed in the project summary report if a loop is detected.

This option checks your project for logic loops only. It is only applicable if the manual Schedule Option is selected. Loop check is performed in real-time if the Automatic Schedule option is on. You will be notified if there are no loops in your schedule.


If there are no loops, you will get this message:


If there are loops, they will be shown like this so you may correct them:


Out of Sequence

The time analysis process considers information related to activity time progress and the current Timenow date entered previously. In addition to activities being updated "in-sequence", i.e., according to project logic, Safran Project supports "out-of-sequence" updating, which is not unusual in real-life projects. If work is performed on an activity before any of its preceding activities are completed, you may still update this activity. The exact time analysis calculations for "out-of-sequence" activities depend on whether you have chosen ‘Logic From Last Predecessor’ or ‘Logic From All Predecessor’ in the Progress Out Of Sequence panel. The total number of out-of-sequence updated activities is also displayed in the Project Summary report.



You may also add these two columns in the Barchart Editor:


Automatic Calculation

With this option, Safran Project allows you to calculate the Early Start and Early Finish dates of activities when:

  1. You are importing a new project and must reschedule dates based on Timenow in Safran.
  2. You set constraints for your activities.


You can turn it ON or OFF by clicking on Automatic Calculation in the PROJECT ribbon.

Alternative Schedules

You can define and activate date sets for impact and scenario CPM analysis using the Alternative Schedules. Safran Project supports up to 10 sets of parallel analysis sets.

Note: Alternative Schedule is not a feature of Safran Project when used in Safran Risk

Go to Project > Alternative Schedules to find or activate your Alternative Schedules:


To activate alternative sets, click new and define at least one Schedule set:


Use the Delete button to remove a set and use the active tickmark to include or exclude a set from schedule analysis.

When pressing ok, you will get this message:


After pressing OK and the project has been reopened, notice that you have a new tab in the Activity Information Panel:


Using the various sets, you may alter the information in blue:


Afterward, you can use the Schedule Juggler to play around.

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