  • 17 Jul 2024
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Article summary



Retrieves project details.
Regarding the relation of network_id and project_id, see project_previews for more details.

Example for calling:

http://server/v1/projects?id=1 - Retrieves project having project_id = 1

http://server/v1/projects?network_id=2 - Retrieves project having network_id (net_id) = 2

http://server/v1/projects/2 - Retrieves project having network_id (net_id) = 2

http://server/v1/projects - Retrieves all projects

Allowed Methods:


API Controller: project


Retrieves the project details for specified project_id, or all projects if no id is specified.

Request Fields:

idintegerId of the project[Optional] Returns all projects if none specified
network_idintegerid of the related network[Optional] Returns all projects if none specified
ownerstringOwner of the projectRelates to "SafranWebApiOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" in Application Settings
item_guidguidguid of the projectOptional Returns all projects if none specified
  • When "SafranWebAPIOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" is in use, one of id or network_id is mandatory.

Response Fields

project_idintegerUnique project Id
project_namestringProject name
project_titlestringUnique network Id
main_networkintegerNetwork name
project_startdatetimeProject start date
project_enddatetimeProject end date
project_clientstringProject client name (for report titles)
logo_bmpstringpath to company project logo (for reports)
client_bmpstringpath to client logo (for reports)
ownerstringOwners User Id
cut_off_dowintegerSpecifies day of week to be used for cut-offs
freetext1stringUser field – project text entry (for reports)
freetext2stringUser field – project text entry (for reports)
freetext3stringUser field – project text entry (for reports)
freetext4stringUser field – project text entry (for reports)
mr_def_fieldstringPossible future use
mr_def_valueintegerPossible future use
ub_def_fieldstringPossible future use
ub_def_valueintegerPossible future use
network_idintegerNetwork Id
network_namestringNetwork name
descriptionstringNetwork description
ana_datedatetimeLast analyzed date
ana_tnowdatetimeTime Now for last analysis
user_idintegerOwner User Id
na_datedatetimeAnalysis invalidated date
user_namestringOwner user name
cal_idintegerCalendar set Id
profilesetintegerProfile set Id
codesetintegerCodeset Id
derived_fromintegerSource network if network is a summary network.
calc_idintegerRule set Id
save_resource_flagintegerFlag which tells if resource analysis results shall be saved to database
lock_scopeintegerFlag for preventing updates to scope
auto_sum_scopeintegerFlag for auto sum of qty from resources to the activity fields tsh, rsh and csh
resource_setintegerResource set related to the network
symbol_setintegerSymbol set related to the network
os_scopeintegerDetermines the scope for the On schedule activities to be calculated against
disable_split_targetsintegerDisable/enable flag for split targets
gsidintegerGlobal set
prog_handling_methodintegerSet mark for progress drop during import
rate_typeintegerRate type (simple/complex rates)
rate_setintegerRate set for complex rates
item_guidguidGUID of the project
lastupdatedutcdatetimeDate and time when project was updatedTime is in Coordinated Universal Time
lock_resource_optionintegerOption to Lock Resource Data0 = Never
1 = Lock Quantities, Unit Rate and COST
2 = Lock Quantities, Unit Rate, Cost Lag, Duration, Profile, Calendar and VO NUMBER
lock_resource_option_when**integerWhen to Lock Resource Data0 = When lock_resource_opt
1 = When Baseline is set
2 = When baseline or status is set
Project Name and Network Name

In connection with Safran Project 5 and Safran Project 7, both the “project_name” and “network_name” will be the same. Likewise for “project_title” and “network_description”

Sample JSON Response

json result

    "project_id": 12,
    "project_name": "Project 001",
    "project_title": "Project 001",
    "main_network": 1,
    "project_start": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
    "project_end": "2020-12-31T00:00:00",
    "project_client": "",
    "logo_bmp": "",
    "client_bmp": "",
    "owner": "SAFRANSA",
    "cut_off_dow": 1,
    "contractor": "",
    "freetext1": "",
    "freetext2": "",
    "freetext3": "",
    "freetext4": "",
    "mr_def_field": "",
    "ub_def_field": "",
    "network_id": 1,
    "network_name": "Project 001",
    "description": "Project 001",
    "ana_date": "2020-04-06T13:45:24.76",
    "ana_tnow": "2020-03-19T00:00:00",
    "user_name": "SAFRANSA",
    "cal_id": 1,
    "profileset": 1,
    "codeset": 1,
    "calc_id": 0,
    "lock_scope": 0,
    "auto_sum_scope": 0,
    "resource_set": 1,
    "symbol_set": 1,
    "os_scope": 1,
    "disable_split_targets": 0,
    "gsid": 0,
    "prog_handling_method": 0,
    "rate_type": 1,
    "rate_set": 0,
    "ana_off": 0,
    "stretch": 0,
    "longest_path": 0,
    "float_opt": 0,
    "dependencies": 0,
    "progress": 0,
    "save_ana_flag": 1,
    "sch_opt": 3,
    "sch_overload_opt": 0,
    "sch_filter": "",
    "sch_sort": "12\t1\t16\t1\t2\t0",
    "is_template": 0,
    "status_method": 1,
    "item_guid": "7bf1cecc-ef7a-4605-bbf7-745092b740f0",
    "lastupdatedutc": "2020-04-06T11:45:25.17"

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