Barchart Editor Layouts
  • 12 Sep 2024
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Barchart Editor Layouts

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Barchart Editor Layouts

In Safran Project, the Barchart Editor layout is the visual presentation of the plan. Layouts can be saved and reused in the same way as filters.

A saved Barchart Editor layout consists of the following:

  • Columns: which data columns are visible
  • Gantt diagram: the visual appearance of symbols and the timeline configuration
  • Grouping and sorting: how the activities are ordered
  • Information panel: which view is displayed in the Information panel
  • Barchart Histogram: which Barchart histogram is used
  • Fonts: all settings for fonts
  • Colours: all colour settings
  • Filter: which filter is used with the layout

It is highly recommended that you create and save several different layouts to optimise workflows for various tasks and reporting. Creating standard layouts optimised for repetitive work will be a big timesaver.

It is recommended that layouts be divided into working layouts and presentation layouts.

Working layouts are used to maintain or update the plan. For example, you have repetitive tasks such as adding new activities, editing userfields, or working with expended progress information. When designing the work layouts, you only add the information and columns you need for a particular task. Save the layout, rinse, and repeat it for your next task.

Presentation layouts are typically used in meetings to make reports or deal with frequently asked questions. When designing these layouts, you must focus on what information is essential for the people using it. You must emphasise this information and explain it, particularly if there is critical information that participants aren't aware they need to know or that impacts the bigger picture.

Like filters, the number of layouts may be substantial when working in a multi-user environment. If you click on the layout icon, you can choose from the layouts you own or the complete list of layouts from all users. Although you can use layouts owned by other people, you cannot edit them unless you use Save As to save your own version.

Best Practice Planning Tip

As a minimum, create unique layouts for any repeatable task and regular meetings.

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