Release Notes
  • 16 Oct 2024
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Release Notes

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Release Notes

This page contains information about changes to the Safran Integration API and the Safran ILAP Gateway products over time.


  1. Version updated to
  2. Solution build upon .net 8.0 core.
    1. It is neccesary to adjust your configurations in previously installation to support the new settings file.
  3. Added support for security JSON Web Token (OAuth 2.0)
  4. Added mulitple database connection support.
  5. The solution comes with Swagger documentation in addition to this documentation you are currently reading.
  6. The GET Activities now includes the following fields:
    1. Early Start Actual Scheduled
    2. Minimum Continous Duration
    3. Current Remaining Duration
  7. The PATCH Activity has been updated with restrictions on multiple fields.


  1. Version updated to

  2. The "Patch Codeset" could fail on Microsoft SQL Server due to different server and database collation sets.


  1. Version updated to

  2. The Trace log has been expanded with CorrelationID.

  3. A very long URL could give the error 404 - File or directory not found; this has been improved.

    1. Please see "Configuration", "Application Settings", and " Very long URL support".
  4. The package "Newtownsoft" has been updated to a later version, and a change in your "web.config" file is necessary.

    1. Please see "Configuration", "Application Settings", and "Binding for Newtonsoft.Json".
  5. The GET "CodeSets" could fail in case the "Userfields sets" for "Reference" were defined as "Advanced SQL". This has now been improved.

  6. The GET "Projects" to list column was added in version 21.1.10.

  7. The GET "CodeSets" is expanded to include the column, "userfield_config.inherit_label", added in version 22.1.00.

  8. The "Patch Codeset" allows to update of the fields "visible", "enabled", and "inherit_label" even when connected to another set.

  9. The GET "Activity_Links" is expanded to include the column "disabled", added in version 22.2.00.

  10. The "Create or Delete Activity Relationships" is expanded to include the the column "disabled", added in version 22.2.00.

  11. The GET "CodeSets" could timeout if requesting non-existent details; this has been improved.

  12. The GET "Activities" will also return duration user fields.

  13. The "Patch Activity" permits updating the duration user fields.

  14. The "Create Activity" permits setting values to the duration user fields.

  15. The "Create Activity" for an activity linked to a project which is part of a subproject, the "subnetwork_id" has to be provided.

  16. The Get "User Field Sets Simple" format endpoint expanded to include the "enabled" and "visible" attributes.

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only


  1. Missing the "web.config" key "SafranWebAPIOwnerVerificationDuringApiCalls" could give an error.
  2. Introducing Get "User Field Sets Simple" format endpoint.
    1. information 2. Safran ILAP Gateway only
  3. Added support for inserting new Resource records during the Patch Activity call.
  4. Version updated to


  1. The GET CodeSets has been expanded with an option to suppress "outline_codes.outline_values", and "reference_fields.reference_values".


  1. The GET CodeSets requesting a local set linked to a master set, where the same short code was used on both sets, could return incorrect results.
  2. The Patch Activity of a Reference field on an activity for a project linked to a local code set, again linked to a master set, ends up setting the reference field on the activity to null.
  3. Log of the User-Agent details expanded to log all of its entries.
  4. Accessing the "dba_users" on some Oracle installations could fail. Adjusted to also access "sys.dba_users"
  5. Version updated to


  1. The GET Activities on a project with 10,000 or more activities could give an error.

    1. This has now been corrected for Safran ILAP Gateway, both 7.3.0.x and 7.3.1.x versions.
    2. This has now been corrected for Safran Integration API, both 7.3.0.x and 7.3.1.x versions.


  1. The "Short" and "Description" of the "Outline Code User Fields" will be listed within the GET Activities result and not only the shortcode

    1. information Please be aware that this change impacts the structure of the JSON data return result.
  2. The GET Activities now supports both "meta_field_exclude" and "meta_field_select", offering to narrow the result set.

    1. information Please be aware that this change impacts the structure of the JSON data return result.
  3. The version number has been updated to The GET Version has been updated accordingly.

  4. The PATCH of a codeset is being prevented when updating one or more fields linked to another set.

  5. The POST of "codeset" with the update command is being prevented when updating one or more fields is linked to another set.

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only
  6. Having a Code set with a mixture of local and master set details would have the GET CodeSets return both local and master set details; this has now been corrected.

  7. Validating users with a connection to an Azure database is now supported.

  8. The Patch Activity API will better handle the "current_progress" update, it will make the activity value be reflected upon its resources.

  9. Version


  1. Issue related to GUID usage corrected.

  2. The trace log is now expanded in cases where the API_USER table would be missing.

  3. Exception during GET Activities related to binding variable on Oracle

  4. Having Code set details linked to a master set would incorrectly collect data from the local set during GET Activities.

  5. The system will automatically populate missing details when creating a "codeset" when limited details are provided during a POST call.

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only
  6. Version


  1. When connected to Oracle DBMS where the Session ID contained more than 9 digits - an issue would occur; this has now been corrected.


  1. The version number has been updated to The GET Version has been updated accordingly.

  2. The "Short" and "Description" of the "Reference User Fields" will be listed within the GET Activities result and not only the shortcode.

    1. information Please be aware that this change impacts the structure of the JSON data return result.
  3. The GET Activities will now accept most activities fields as part of the Request fields.

    1. This means the caller can request activities for a project with a certain value, for example, any of the "user fields", any value in the "current_pc" field, or any other combination of the activities fields.
    2. Sample: http://server/v1/activities?network_id=1&subnetwork_id=205&uf_flag21=false&uf_date10=2022-01-04T07:28:00.000&uf_ref4=DG4&current_progress=100.0
  4. Support for nested Active Directory groups has been added, when using Kerberos Authentication.


  1. Performance improvement for the GET Activities with resources using subnetwork ID.

  2. The GET Projects for Oracle DBMS will now use USER_TAB_COLUMNS, ALL_TAB_COLUMNS or DBA_TAB_COLUMNS to read the tables column list.

  3. The GET Version will now also contain copyright details.

  4. An exception could arise when the system was configured to use Basic Authentication, and the caller did not include authorization details. This has been improved, and a 401 - Unauthorized error will be returned.


  1. The GET CodeSets will respect if the "codeset" in question is connected to a master "codeset" or not.
  2. The GET CodeSets is now supporting a more granular meta-field selection.
  3. The GET Cutoff supports older Safran database versions.
  4. Expanded the Trace log related to SQL queries.
  5. The GET Projects have improved the management of unlikely cases where a database-connected user has limited database access. In such cases, the database-connected user has revoked access to perform SQL SELECT on system tables.
  6. The GET Activities now supports the subnetwork_id argument to limit the result set per network id and subnetwork id.


  1. Added support for GET Cutoff.
  2. Added support for GET Project Scope Configuration.


  1. Add support for missing Trace log options in the 'web.config' file.
  2. Activity Links gave 400 Bad Request.


  1. Greatly improved the performance of the GET Activities API for large projects.
  2. Expanded the Trace log options
  3. Get Session ID expanded with support for Oracle.
  4. Correction related to the Safran database version.
  5. Added support for GET activities meta fields start and ending seq.
  6. Added support for GET activities meta fields prior and after date time option.


  1. Searched for R fields case insensitive, Mixed usage of case related to R-fields.
  2. Key, expanded time support.
    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only


  1. Introduced trace log option for the API.
    1. Trace log


  1. Performance improvement when checking for column name


  1. PATCH Activity to allow more than one activity per call
  2. Delete of CalendarSet, which is missing, will now return 200 and failure.


  1. Improved handling of incorrect networks.project_id details.
  2. Check if the database column exists prior to retrieving its value.
  3. The PATCH activities did not consider uf_text inputs.
  4. Added support for numeric(x,0) for MS SQL, replacing the use of int.
  5. Prevent collecting all activities in the database.
  6. Project, check that the field to update contains "ana_tnow"; if not, return "Nothing was updated."
  7. Prevent Creating an Activity with action to Update Resources.
  8. When network_id is missing attempt getting it by using project_id or network_name.
  9. PATCH Activities: Only consider JSON input attributes which have a value.
  10. Added support for GUID on projects and activities
  11. Added support for new fields added in in Safran Project version 20.0.00 and 21.1.00.
  12. Include index.html as part of the package.
  13. Correction in POST activities with Codeset r-field linked to master user fields.
  14. Handle deleting "non existing" texts via Patch activities Call.
  15. Check for active users to consider users who log in as Trusted Connection.
  16. Activities.cancelled - API did not accept null input value.
  17. Get Project failed due to missing GUID.
  18. Avoid duplicates in the dictionary for Lookup values related to UserRefFields
  19. Improve retrieving active users and add support for procedure call PRC_INIT_WEEKREF, both on Oracle and MS SQL.
  20. Improve Guid support on MS SQL and Oracle.
  21. Add PATCH Codeset to allow for adding R-Fields


  1. Performance improvements when updating activities on a large project in Safran.
  2. Calendar set update did not work with wpn =0
  3. Branding of the product "Safran Project ILAP Gateway"
    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only
  4. CalendarSet, ClearNonWorkingPeriodsDuringUpdate were not considered for records with Wpn = 0


  1. Addressed error which occur while inserting/updating activity with single quote in text user field
  2. New functionality, PATCH Project
    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only


  1. Add activities cancelled date to the result of the Get command and set during PATCH and POST commands
  2. Remove the need to provide Network_id when creating Code Set
  3. The project_previews without owner, stopped working
  4. Project create, allow to specify Resource Set
  5. Duration format settings for resource assignments and links


  1. /v1/project_previews/ gave 'Project Preview' not found

  2. Updated database enumeration preparing for upcoming database versions

  3. Updated Oracle query active database user method

  4. Corrected issue when creating new calendar set, SQL error for insert

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only
  5. Get activities on Oracle gave exception error due to float value with to high precision.

  6. Create new project would set the main_network field in the project_config table for all rows.

  7. New API, Resource Set. Allowing getting, inserting and deleting such items. Online documentation expanded.

  8. Patch activities call with empty JSON would cause exception, API updated to better manage such incorrect input.

  9. Using SafranWebApiOwnerVerificationDuringApiCall and missing owner during call would give 500 error.

  10. Project_preview to support owner parameter in order to limit the result list.

  11. Creating new project with owner, would use the case as specified in JSON, now API will upper case the owner.

  12. Using SafranWebApiOwnerVerificationDuringApiCall using get on calendar set and code set will allow listing all sets owned by specified user.

  13. Removed the need to specify network id when creating calendar set.

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only


  1. Issue corrected, Get activites on MS SQL with values in dur_fmt gave error
  2. Issue corrected, Get activites on MS SQL with values in Nx gave error
  3. New feature, Get Codeset, allow to get a list of all codesets when using OwnerVerification
  4. New feature, Get CalendarSet, allow to get a list of all CalendarSets
  5. Issue corrected, Owner verification is true and get one activity without specified owner produced internal error
  6. Issue corrected, Update activity and resource with changeorder_number, changeorder_number is not considered
  7. New feature, Update Activitiy API to update provided JSON columns only.
    1. New PATCH API offering to update one activity and its resources. Sample here will update one activity and two of its resource, all other details remains as is.

    2. Show More
          "ActivityRowId": 1,
          "id": 14,
          "name": "Activity Name 06e",
          "network_id": 13,
              "ResourceRowID": 1,
              "id": 2,
              "qty": 3,
              "current_progress": 10.5,
              "actual_qty": 9.9,
              "cost": 3.33,
              "ext_seq": 1234
              "ResourceRowID": 2,
              "id": 3,
              "qty": 4


  1. GET activities to list "Outline code user fields" "short" full path, using default delimiter character
  2. Codeset to use "Link to" feature
  3. Performance issue when updating activities in an existing project. Improved by using cached network details.
  4. POST codesets without items to be managed by API
    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only
  5. Replace usage of table USER with new table API_USER
  6. Performance of [Get] request for CodeSet
  7. Codesets [get], option to specify which fields list to include in result
  8. Creating activities would set some columns to null, where Safran will set them to 0
  9. /v1/project_previews/ gives 'Project Preview' not found on Oracle
  10. VO_seq field for resource assignment
  11. Add new property (read only) for resource assignment: VO_type
  12. Add GET “Change order” API call
  13. CalendarSet [get], option to specify which fields list to include in the result
  14. Not being able to set duration_units while creating/updating activities. Correction for Oracle
  15. Get activities performance related to outline codes
  16. Get one activity seems to take 2 minute, where activity is in a large project


  1. Updated online documentation.

    1. Introduction
  2. Prepared for GUID support

  3. New application parameter Owner Verification.

    1. Configuration - Application Settings
  4. SQL connection opened through API calls was not always closed.

  5. CodeSet produced error, for one particular rField.

    1. The error is in customer database, but a more detailed error message is produced by API in order to better find the trouble duplicated row.
  6. Request for CodeSets would return empty string on outline_codes.outline_values.delimiter_char.

  7. UserFieldsType.Text were not provided in a GET call for CodeSets.

  8. CodeSet supports update and delete of existing records.

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only
  9. Updating NonWorkingPeriod for Calendar

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only
    2. NonWorkingPeriod were always appended to the list.
    3. There is now a new option to have these deleted prior update so list will become what is provided in the POST call.
    4. New element “ClearNonWorkingPeriodsDuringUpdate”
    5. Notice that update of NonWorkingPeriod is not permitted for CalendarSet which has historical records. Meaning the CalendarSet has been used in a baseline run.


  1. Added creation of codesets (POST /v1/codesets)

    1. You will permitted to add the following details:

      1. Date fields
      2. Reference fields
      3. Number fields
      4. Decimal fields
      5. Duration fields
      6. Text fields
      7. Outline codes
    2. Syntax is similar to the replay you get when using GET /v1/codesets?id=n, with additional elements

      Show more
        "name":"Jostein API 10",
    1. For outline codes seq and parent_seq are not used. When specifying the short attribute it needs to host the full path of the item.

    2. Show more
      "outline_values": [
          "description": "Description 1.1.1",
          "_short": "Level 1.Level 2.Level 3",
          "sort_field": 3,
          "delimiter_char": "."
          "description": "Description 1.1",
          "_short": "Level 1.Level 2",
          "sort_field": 2,
          "delimiter_char": "."
          "description": "Description 1",
          "_short": "Level 1",
          "sort_field": 1,
          "delimiter_char": "."
  1. Expanded /v1/codesets result to also include "visible" and "enabled" columns, as well as "sort_field" for "reference_values"


  1. A more flexible API regarding create project.

    • No need to provide the "LowestDurationUnits", "Cal_id" or "Cut_off_dow". The API will find the best match. You can provide 0 or all or any other combination – the end result is that the combinations must be valid. For the values not provided please set their value to null as shown in below sample JSON.

    • Sample POST JSON with only specified CalendarSet ID
          "project_name":"API Test 01",
          "project_title":"Description 01",
  2. Corrected an issue related to the GET CodeSets

    • Result would leave the “outline_values”: [] empty


  1. Option to create a new project, and specify “Calendars”, “Lowest Duration Unit” and “Cut Off Dow”

    • Sample POST Json```json [ { "RowID":1, "ProjectAction":"C", "UpdateIfExists":false, "project_name":"API Test 01", "project_title":"Description 01", "Owner":"SAFRANSA", "LowestDurationUnits":"Days", "Cal_id":2, "Cut_off_dow":1 } ] ```
    • System will read default values from “installation_config” table.
    • Any input values will remain and not be overridden by default values.
    • Combination of the 3 "LowestDurationUnits", "Cal_id" and "Cut_off_dow" values will be verified and invalid combination will result in failure.
    • “Owner” needs to be a valid and active SQL user, else it will result in failure.
    • AttributeSupported valuesMandatoryNoteDefault
      LowerstDurationUnitsD, H, MNo(D)ays
      (H)ours and
      Cal_IDNoFrom installation_config
      Cut_off_dow-1 to 7NoMultiple Hour Shifts = -1
      Single Day Shifts = 0
      Sundays = 1
      Mondays = 2
      Tuesdays = 3
      Wednesdays = 4
      Thursdays = 5
      Fridays = 6
      Saturdays = 7


  1. Correction to the “Calendar Set” update with new “Calendar” and new “NonWorkingPeriods”.


  1. Insert option during update of Calendar Set.
  2. Some of the mandatory requirements related to Calendar set has been removed.
  3. Continuation of Project create command.


  1. Issues related to R Fields visibility and being listed in the JSON result list.

  2. Support for adding calendar definitions.

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only

    2. Delete, Create and Update

    3. POST URL …/v1/calendarset

    4. Delete
          "Cal_id": 1,
    5. Create
              "Cal_id": null,
              "Cal_name": "Jostein Calendar.01",
              "Cal_start": "2020-02-04T00:00:00",
              "Cal_finish": "2020-02-04T00:00:00",
              "Owner": "SAFRANSA",
              "Cal_type": "d",
              "Calendars": [
                      "Hours": 7.5,
                      "Description": "Standard",
                      "Wpn": 0,
                      "Units_pr_week": 5.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": []
                      "Hours": 24.0,
                      "Description": "Offshore 24/7",
                      "Wpn": 1,
                      "Units_pr_week": 7.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": []
                      "Hours": 12.0,
                      "Description": "Offshore 12/7",
                      "Wpn": 2,
                      "Units_pr_week": 7.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": []
                      "Hours": 8.0,
                      "Description": "Kontor",
                      "Wpn": 3,
                      "Units_pr_week": 5.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": [
                              "Day_of_week": 7,
                              "Rest_from_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_until_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_from_min": 0,
                              "Rest_until_min": 0
                              "Day_of_week": 6,
                              "Rest_from_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_until_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_from_min": 0,
                              "Rest_until_min": 0
    6. Update
              "Cal_id": 971,
              "Cal_name": "Jostein Calendar.01",
              "Cal_start": "2020-02-05T00:00:00",
              "Cal_finish": "2020-02-05T00:00:00",
              "Owner": "SAFRANSA",
              "Cal_type": "d",
              "Calendars": [
                      "Hours": 7.5,
                      "Description": "Standard.",
                      "Wpn": 0,
                      "Units_pr_week": 5.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": []
                      "Hours": 24,
                      "Description": "Offshore 24/7.",
                      "Wpn": 1,
                      "Units_pr_week": 7.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": []
                      "Hours": 12,
                      "Description": "Offshore 12/7.",
                      "Wpn": 2,
                      "Units_pr_week": 7.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": []
                      "Hours": 8,
                      "Description": "Kontor",
                      "Wpn": 3,
                      "Units_pr_week": 5.0,
                      "NonWorkingPeriods": [
                              "Day_of_week": 7,
                              "Rest_from_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_until_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_from_min": 0,
                              "Rest_until_min": 0,
                              "Seq": 830808
                              "Day_of_week": 6,
                              "Rest_from_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_until_hrs": 0,
                              "Rest_from_min": 0,
                              "Rest_until_min": 0,
                              "Seq": 830809
  3. Support for creating new project

    1. information Safran ILAP Gateway only

    2. POST URL …/v1/projects

    3. Default values will be collected from the “installation_config” table.

    4. Create
            "project_name":"API Test Jostein 01",
            "project_title":"Description 01",


  1. Initial support for Planner databases, improves listing of available projects where network id and project id does not host identical values.
  2. Check for valid Safran license exists in Safran database
  3. Added more fields from the network table for the "Projects" request.
  4. Some null values in JSON result are removed
  5. Performance improvement when creating, updating and deleting activities
  6. Some values are mandatory but where null in database, these are represented as empty string in the JSON result.
  7. In some rare cases “activity links” referred to nonexistent activities, such “activity links” details are no longer part of the JSON result.
  8. Some Boolean fields could have value null in database, these are treated as value false.
  9. Improve error check and message if none existing project or network id was provided, will produce error message and 400, not 500 with exception.


  1. Correction when creating a new Resource during activity update or create - the calendar input value would not be stored in database.
  2. Correction during add of Activity Links, the lag_time and calendar values would not be stored to the database.


  1. New Route /v1/ilapNetworkConfiguration, which offers collecting data from the “ilap_network_configuration” database table.
  2. Improved Resource related to Activity, for Create, Update and Delete actions.
  3. Resolved issue creating activity with multiple assignment of same resource.
  4. Improved message when inserting activity which already exists in database.
  5. Route /v1/version has been expanded to show the ApiBuildDate.
  6. Minor change to the Kerberos authentication method.


  1. Creating activity with multiple assignment of same resource
  2. Activity with wrong resource assignment request data (no network_id) returns 200 with empty string as response
  3. Multiple activity insertion request with one faulty data returns 500
  4. Updating uf_text values for Activities return 500 with error
  5. Preferred way of updating Activity
  6. Duplicate response object while creating resources
  7. Update for Activity Links


  • Authentication types: Kerberos (Windows), Basic (Database) and None
  • Read (GET) and write (POST) options for the data
  • Read and write to the “HostID” table
    • Read from the HostID table by using one of these URLs:
      • /v1/HostIDs/?AppName=xxx

        • xxx is the external application related to the details
      • /v1/HostIDs/?AppName=xxx&KeyType=100

        • 100 is KeyType reference, supports values 100 to 199
      • /v1/HostIDs/?AppName=xxx&KeyType=100&Network_ID=132

        • 132 is network id
      • /v1/HostIDs/?AppName=xxx&KeyType=100&network_id=132&HostKey=GUIDxxyy

        • GUIDxxyy is the hostkey value
      • /v1/HostIDs/?AppName=xxx&KeyType=100&network_id=132&SafranID=1

        • 1 is the safran id
      • Insert to the HostID table use POST command with JSON details
          "App":"Safran ILAP.04"
      • Delete records in the HostID table use POST command with JSON data
          "App":"Safran ILAP.02"


  1. This revision offers read only access of the data, any POST commands has been revoked. They will be reinstated in upcoming builds. Reason is the temporarily disabled the Authentication part. Authentication part would have required domain controller and Active Directory, etc.
  2. XML is working for all but two commands. Recommendation not to specify the type=xml as part of the URL. All data will then be returned in the JSON format. The JSON produce much less data traffic compared too XML.

Earlier versions

Initial version.

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